
Jinxed Maelstrorca

6 ratings
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Jinxed Maelstrorca

6 ratings

This VRChat ready avatar features the design of a Maelstrorca! Maelstrorcas are an original species created by me :D
(find out more here! https://maelstrorcas.carrd.co/)

This avatar may receive updates

This avatar requires knowledge of Unity - Please do not contact me for help getting it into the game, please use tutorials which you can find on YouTube (There are many)

Want to try before you buy?

Join the VRC group for the species!https://vrchat.com/home/group/grp_66e97719-455a-4eaf-a2b7-7199689e6f2a

Join the Discord server for the species!

What this product contains:

- Unity Package (Ready for VRChat export)
- SPP texture files
- Blend file
- PSD layer files (please note; I have no experience working with photoshop for texturing but have included these due to high demand)
- Texture UVs

Avatar Features:

- VRChat (PC & Quest / Android) ready avatar
- Fullbody compatible
- MMD compatible
- Gesture emotes
- Many customisable body toggles
- Boop interaction
- Dynamic goggles

PC Rating: Medium - 60k+ Polygons - 4 Material slots

Quest / Mobile Rating: Poor - 16k+ Polygons - 3 Material slots

- Unity 2022.3.22f1 - And understanding of how to use it
https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2022.3.22 -
- VRChat SDK / VRC Creator Companion

Hopefully this helps give you a guide on how to replace textures and upload your avatar to VRChat the way I intended! :D (this is a little outdated but is roughly the same)

Contact / Follow me:

Terms of Service:
By purchasing this avatar you hereby agree to my terms of service which go as following:

You may:

- Use this avatar for VRChat / streaming (though it has not been set up for streaming) etc
- Edit the avatar for personal use
- Create renders / animate the avatar
- Make public / clonable versions of the avatar for VRChat
- Advertise / sell custom retextures of the avatar providing that the retexturer and recipient have both purchased the avatar
- Create and sell accessories, clothing & props for the avatar provided that it doesn't include any of the original avatar files
- Create artwork, designs etc inspired by the avatar
- Use it for videos / streaming etc - I have not set it up for streaming with but you are welcome to use it for such! Please be sure to credit me for creating the base.

You may NOT:

- Use this avatar for commercial purposes
- Claim credit for creation of the original avatar
- Share any of the files of this avatar with others unless all parties have legally purchased the avatar prior
- Share your license key with others
- Re-sell the avatar or any of it's components
- Modify the avatar to create an your own version for sale - you can create your own variant but it should not be sold / used for profit

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61 sales

Unity Package, SPP, PSD, Blend files etc

289 MB
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